Life in the Spirit in marriage home & work

Life in the Spirit in marriage home & work

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Unlike the London preacher in the early nineteenth century who complained of a decreasing congregation when his sermons on Ephesians reached the fifth chapter of that Epistle, Dr Lloyd-Jones’ sermons on Ephesians 5:18 to 6:9, contained in this volume, were among the most influential of his long ministry at Westminster Chapel (1938-1968). There are several reasons why this was so. In the first place, this section of Scripture, which opens with the command, “Be filled with the Spirit”, gave the preacher the opportunity to demonstrate from the text one of his own deepest convictions, namely that the only Christianity which is vibrant and exhilarating enough to penetrate and change society is that which manifests the power of the Spirit of God. This volume is the sixth in a series of eight volumes.